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What is a new patient visit?

At the Family Dental Group, a new patient visit presents an opportunity to meet the team, ask questions, and learn more about your oral health. It’s the starting point for building a solid, trustworthy relationship with your dentist.

Visiting your dentist at least twice a year is one of the easiest ways to prevent oral health problems like cavities and gum disease. Family Dental Group welcomes new patients of all ages.

What happens at a new patient visit?

When you arrive at the Family Dental Group, you’re asked to complete a new patient questionnaire covering various aspects of your lifestyle and oral health. Answer each question as truthfully as possible because your answers guide your treatment.

After completing the new patient questionnaire, you’re called to an exam room. A dental hygienist or dental technician completes an oral exam, takes digital X-rays, and uses a dental laser to remove plaque from your teeth and beneath your gums.

The hygienist or technician then flosses and polishes your teeth and calls your dentist into the room. Your Family Dental Group doctor reviews your X-rays, completes an oral exam, and discusses your oral health and habits.

They then develop a personalized care plan designed to encourage maximum oral health.

What happens if there’s something wrong with my teeth or gums?

If the Family Dental Group team identifies any problems, like cavities or gum disease, they’ll recommend additional procedures to prevent the condition from worsening. Healthy lifestyle changes, routine checkups, and preventive care are often enough to keep your smile healthy.

What should I bring to a new patient visit?

The Family Dental Group team recommends bringing the following items to your new patient visit:

  • Dental insurance card
  • Names and contact information of previous dentists or oral health providers
  • Results from oral X-rays or other recent tests
  • Questions or concerns you want to address

If you take prescription medication, vitamins, or supplements, bring a list of those.

Call the nearest Family Dental Group office to request a new patient visit, or book your appointment online today.